The most common type of real estate strategy, buy-and-hold real estate investment involves buying a property, renting it, and keeping it on for a longer period of time. Generally, this strategy involves maintaining the property for at least five years after the purchase, which is typically easier than repairing and launching a property as an investment strategy.
Why is Buy-And-Hold Real Estate Investing a Good Option?
While other investment strategies certainly have their advantages, the buy-and-hold strategy is generally considered to be the simplest and best strategy for those new to real estate investments. This is because the buy-and-hold strategy does not require any kind of experience or special knowledge. Rather, you can simply invest in the property and then hire professionals to help you manage it.
Of course, even for those with experience in real estate investing, the buy-and-hold strategy can be a good option because of its generally "bare-handed" approach. Rather than getting bogged down by the day-to-day aspects of property management, a real estate investor can simply research the best properties to buy by leaving the details to a real estate management company to manage.
Whether you are an experienced investor or not, the buy-and-hold strategy also offers the added benefit of allowing you to build equity in the property over time. When the market is hot or if you decide that you no longer want to cling to the property, you can eventually sell it for profit. In the meantime, while you are renting the property, you are able to enjoy a regular stream of revenue every month from the property you are renting.
What Are the Types of Buy-and-Hold Real Estate Investments?
If you are interested in getting involved in buying a property in Curacao -and-hold real estate investment, there are a few different options that you can pursue. These include:
Turnkey Real Estate: "Turnkey Real Estate" refers to the property that is ready for the move, which means that there is no need for repairs, upgrades or updates to the property before it can be rented. In most cases, a turnkey property already has a tenant and real estate management company on site.
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Vacation Rental Property: A vacation rental property is one that you can use at various times of the year to spend time in your favorite vacation location. During those periods when the property is not used, it is possible to rent it in the short term to other vacationers.
Single family house: a single family house is a house that you rent to a single tenant.
Multi-family property: a multi-family property generally houses two to four units, each of which can be rented for rental income.
Condominium: residential buildings generally have five or more units that can be rented as income.
Commercial property: Commercial property is a property that is rented for commercial purposes, such as retail or offices.
With the help of an experienced property management company, you can generate extra income by investing in any of these types of properties without having to worry about the day-to-day operations of any of them.